Secondary Installation
Figure 38. Fourth Stage Log Set Installation
Figure 39. Fifth Stage Log Set Installation
Figure 40. Final Log Set Arrangement
Figure 38: Back end of the front, right of center, log has a hole that rests over the center burner pin (see Figure 34) and the front rest on the ledge of the front right log (see Figure 35).
Figure 39: The back right log sits on the center ledge and pin of the bottom log (see Figure 35) and leans against the back left log. The back end of the front, left of center, log has a hole that rests on the left burner pin (see Figure 34) and the front end rests on the ledge on the front, right of center, log (see Figure 38).
Figure 40: The front left log has a notch at it’s wide end. This notch rests on the horizontal bar of the grate in the left gap. The back of the log rests freely on the burner where it will cover the least amount of burner holes. The two small log twigs are just placed under the grate, one in the left gap and the other in the right gap.