User’s Guide
Rev. D
LProof Sign-off:
K. Pipa DAI M. Takata
K. Pipa
DAI K. Ramsey
- 74 -
❏EPSON CardMonitor
Utility that enables EPSON CameraStarter to start
automatically by detecting when the camera is connected
to your computer, or when the memory card is inserted
into a PC Card slot.
❏EPSON PhotoQuicker
Software for printing your images.
❏Adobe Acrobat Reader
Software necessary for viewing the in cluded EPSON
Digital Camera Software User’s Guide.
Installing the SoftwareTo install the necessary software, see the online EPSON Digital
Camera Software User’s Guide. For instructions on viewing this
manual, see “Accessing the EPSON Digital Camera Software
User’s Guide” on page 75.
Be sure to install all the software before you connect your camera to
your computer.