Printing in which each character is twice as Ml as normal.
double- width printingprinting in which each character is twice as wide as normal.
driver, printerThe part of a software program that contains commands for a particular printer.
ESC/PAbbreviation for EPSON Standard Code for Printers. This system of commands gives you software control of your printer from your computer. It is standard for all EPSON printers and supported by most application software for personal computers.
The enhanced version of the ESC /P printer command language. Commands in this language produce
A font is a style of type designated by a family name.
hex dumpA troubleshooting feature that helps advanced users find the cause of communication problems between the printer and the computer. When the printer is in hex dump mode, it prints each code it receives in hexadecimal notation and ASCII characters. Also called data dump.
initiaiizationReturns the printer to its defaults (fbced set of conditions).
ink jetA method of printing in which each letter or symbol is formed by precisely spraying ink onto paper.
intefikeThe connection between the computer and the printer. A parallel interface transmits data one character or code at a time.
A typestyle in which the characters slant. This sentqzce is italicized.
line feedA control code that advances the paper one line space.
loading positionThe position to which the paper is automatically loaded.
1Q printingOne of the two print qualities available on your printer. LQ (letter quality) printing provides better readability and appearance at a reduced print speed.