7.Choose the Setup button.

8.Select 360 x 360 as the Resolution.

9.If you selected the LQ-870 printer, select Sheet Feeder Bin 1 as the Paper Source. This step is very important for proper page breaks in your documents.

10.Choose the OK button.

11.Highlight EPSON Stylus 400 (or the printer you added) and click the button labeled Set As Default Printer.

12.Click the Close button.

You have now chosen the printer driver for Windows.

What is a Printer Driver?

The software you use to enter and format your documents sends codes that run (or “drive”) your printer. These software codes select the font, margins, page size, line spacing, and other features of the document you are printing. Therefore, it is important that you choose the right printer driver and install it correctly from your software package. If there is a problem with the appearance of your document, a software setting could be the cause.

1-18Setting Up Your Printer