Scalable fonts

The size of the Roman, Sans Serif, Roman T, and Sans Serif H fonts can be selected from 8 to 32 points in 2-point increments by using your application program or by sending an ESC / P 2 command. See the documentation that came with your application program for information on selecting the size of scalable fonts. See the Appendix for a list of ESC/P 2 commands.


Epson Epson

Roman T

Epson Epson

Sans Serif

Epson Epson

Sans Serif H

Epson Epson

Condensed printing

Epson Epson

Epson Epson

Epson Epson

Epson Epson

Condensed printing reduces the size of characters to approximately 60 percent of their normal width, allowing more characters to fit on a line. This is useful for spreadsheets and other applications where you need to print the maximum amount of information on a page.

You can condense the current font by pressing the Economy/Condensed (AR + Font) button. (EPSON Roman T and EPSON Sans Serif H cannot be condensed.) You can condense printing that is 10 cpi, 12 cpi, and proportionally spaced. You cannot condense 15-cpi printing.


If your application software controls fonts and can select the condensed mode, you should select fonts and condensed mode through the software rather than with the control panel. Program or command settings override panel switch settings.

2-10 Using Other Printer Fun&us