Electrial Conditions

1. Signal Level


Space+3V ~ +15V


2. Input/Output ConditionsInput signalOutput signal

Handshake Protocol

Handshake protcol is selected by the DIP switch settings as show in in the table below

1. READY/BUSY Protocol

The DTR line indicates the READY/BUSY state of the printer. It outputs an ON (+ 12V) in the READY state, and an OFF (-12V) in the BUSY state. When the remaining space of the 18K-byte communication buffer goes below 4K bytes, the DTR line turns OFF, terminating the transmission of data from the computer. Then when the buffer space increases to above the 10K-byte level, the DTR line turns ON, allowing data to be sent from the computer.

When the printer is in the paper empty state or the cover has been opened, the DTR line goes OFF. The SRTS line output is identical to the DTR output. The printer can receive up to 4K bytes more after the DTR line goes OFF.

2. X-ON /X-OFF Protocol

When the printer is receiving data, X-ON is output. When the printer is not able to receive data, X-OFF is output. When the computer receives the X-OFF signal, transmission of data to the printer is terminated. If the X-ON signal is then received, data is transmitted once again, When the communication buffer space goes below 4K bytes, X-OFF is sent. When the buffer space goes beyond 10K bytes, X-ON is sent.

X-ON is DC1 (11 HEX), and X-OFF is DC3 (13HEX). These signals are output through

the TR line. The data format is the same as the input data structure. 24