Disables or enables WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), which provides a level of security for your network. To communicate, all nodes on your network must use the same WEP key; if one node is WEP-enabled, all nodes must be WEP-enabled. See the documentation for your wireless adapter or access point for more informationaboutWEP.IfyouhaveanAirPortnetwork,seepage 50.

WEP Key Index

Lets you choose between four WEP keys for either 64-bit or 128-bit WEP. For detailsaboutWEP,seethedocumentationforyourwirelesscard,adapteroraccess point.

128 Bit / 64 Bit WEP Key

Fields for entering the WEP key(s) used on your network. To communicate, all nodes on the network must be set to the same WEP key. See the documentation foryourwirelessadapteroraccesspointformoreinformationaboutWEP.

Configuration Settings 59