Functions for Enhancing Projection

Changing the Aspect Ratio (Resizing)

This function changes the aspect ratiog of images from 4:3 to 16:9 when component videog, S-Videog, or composite videog images are being projected.

Images which have been recorded in digital video or onto DVDs can be viewed in 16:9 wide-screen format.

When images in Squeeze

When images in squeeze

modeg are projected at 4:3

mode are projected at 16:9


Remote control

The display is changed whenever you press the button.


Displaying the Pointer (Pointer)

This allows you to move a pointer icon on the projected image, and helps you draw attention to the area you are talking about.


A Display the pointer.

Remote control

Each time you press the button the pointer appears or disappears.

You can also make this setting using the "Resize" command in the "Signal" menu.