Printer Features

Printer Initialization

The printer is initialized in the following cases.

When the printer is turned on.

When the INIT signal or CMREQ (optional I/F ) is input.

When the printer is initialized, it performs the following functions:

The printhead returns to the leftmost position (carriage home).

The READY LED lights.

The printer clears the print buffer and input data buffer.

The line spacing is set to l/6 inch.

The page length and skip-over-perforation settings are returned to their default values.

All vertical tab positions are cleared.

The horizontal tab positions are set to every 8 columns.

. The print mode is set to the default value set fkom the control panel and stored in non-volatile memory.

TOF position is reset in the following cases.

. Power on

Receipt of the INIT signal or CMIXEQ (optional I/F)

Receipt of a software reset command (ESC Q)

. Receipt of a page length command (ESC C)

Note: The CMREQ signal goes LOW when the command request is sent from the optional card to the main system.


Epson FX-87CY1170