
Chart 4. Poor Print Quality in Self-Test

and turning on the prlntar.

Srcurs t h e connectors.

bo8rd connected


Qany dots 1

q lsslng orfor bent or drrgglng?

N o


Chmck printhead rrslstance. I f

Perform thll

It Is not 16.5 ohms +/- 1.6 olmr

raplax t h r prlnthrad.

If any prlnthmd pin Is shortrd. use Tablo 3-5 t o chack drlwrs QZ - Q13 o n tha uln bawd, and I f shorted. raplace at t h e sm tlm 8s the printhead.

N o

E p s o n FX-870/1170
