
Chart 6. Data fhm Host is Printed Incorrectly


Run self-tart.

(Turn on prlntor *hIlo holding down the PAPER FEED button. 1

I f self-tart I s g8rbl.d. t h 8 problr I s with the RDN or C194 RAIN bo8rd.

Chrck daf8UltS shown in the self - test . Are they correct for the 8ppliC8tlOn? If not. sat th8m correctly .

(Sm Def8Ult Settings

I n Chaptar 1.1

E x i t progrv 8nd

send 8 print scrmn from thm US-DOS prompt.

R8pl8ca t h 8 C194

RAIN bo8rd.


Chock softw8re




Verify prlnter


opor8tion wlth


other software.







Note: The host computer is assumed to


be operating normally.


E p s o n FX-870/1170
