j u s t
Appendix CTypestyle Summary

The LQ-2500 can produce a wide range of typestyles by combining different fonts, character widths, print qualities, and other enhance ments. In addition, you can include superscripts and subscripts and underlining with any style you choose. (For more information on selecting different typestyles, see Chapters 2 and 5.)

You have the choice of five different fonts, all of which can be printed in Letter Quality or draft quality You also have the choice of 10, 12, or 15 pitch or proportional print. Certain pitches are designated for certain fonts. Although you may choose to print a font in other than the designated pitch, it is not recommended. The five fonts you can choose from are:

Table C-1. Available Letter Quality fonts

The following samples show you the character set available for each font. Below each set is an example of how the font looks when combined with certain enhancements such as underlining or emphasized type. As you can see, different fonts lend themselves to different applications.

W e ' v e s e e n y o u r e x c e l l e n t ad f o r

miniature zebras in a recent back issue of Trader's Times. What is the price schedule for quantities over one gross?

Typestyle Summary
