All three formats are equivalent, so you can pick the one best suited to your purpose. For instance, a BASIC programmer might refer to the first and second formats, a word processor might use the second, and a machine code programmer would use the third format. Variables are represented by italicized letters such as n, nl, m. The variables are explained in the comments section.


Some application programs make use of control key sequences. See the Control key chart on page A-3 of this appendix.

For the following commands that use only 0 or 1 for the variable, either the ASCII codes 0 and 1 or the ASCII characters 0 and 1 can be

used:Esc s, Esc u, Esc x, Esc p, ESC w, ESC s, ESc -, ESC %, ESC t, and ESC w

For example, in BASIC you can turn on double-width with either of these statements:

LPRINT CHR$(27);“W”;CHRS(l)-ASCII CodeLPRINT CHR$(27);‘W”;‘l “-ASCII CharacterThese correspond to:ESC W SOH or EXW 1Examples

The simplest type of command consists of sending a single character to the printer. For instance, to print in condensed mode, you would send the code 15. The code format is:

ASCII code: SIDecimal: 15Hexadecimal: OF

A - 2

Command Summary