Chapter 2


SelecType on the LQ-2500 brings a new dimension to printing. With SelecType you can now control almost every aspect of printer operation.

SelecType lets you:

Use four preset macros-stored groups of settings that you can recall with the touch of a button

Replace the preset macros with your own custom-designed macros Set up to 20 printer settings from the SelecType panel

Choose among the LQ-2500’s five built-infonts

Print out the printers settings with a touch of a button Monitor the LQ's settings with the LCD panel

Change the LQ’s default settings without DIP switches, and more.

The four preset macros cover general applications: Draft/word processing, Letter Quality/word processing, Spreadsheets, and Graphics. However, you can create your own macros with any of the LQ’s settings.

There are no switches to reset or commands to send, you simply load the macro you want, then print. In fact, the LQ-2500 has no DIP switches. All of these functions can now be controlled through SelecType.

Using SelecType

The easiest way to learn SelecType is to read this chapter. Then start pressing buttons. There is also a SelecType Quick Reference card in the back of this manual which gives an overall diagram of SelecType.

The SelecType Panel

The SelecType panel is the part of the main control panel that deals with SelecType. The SelecType controls are shown in blue in Figure 2-1 on the next page. They include the two ENTER SelecType buttons, and the four buttons labeled EXIT, MENU, SETTING, and OPTION. The LCD shows SelecType messages and settings.

