conthwous paper

Paper that has spmdcet-feedholes on each side, is perforated betweenpages,andissupplledinafofdedstack.AIsocalled knfoldpaper.

conifol code speda1codesusedtocontrorprinterfunccions,suchas


cu?-sheet Reedef (c3fg

An optional, detackble device that automatically feeds single sheetsofpaperintotheprinter.

4 ~bkshoodng feat~.~ that helps advancxxl usem find the ~useofcornmurdcationprob~betweentheprinterandthe computer.DuringtMsmode,theprinterprintseachcodeit

xec&esinbothhexadedmalnotatbnandaSASUIcharacters.AIsocaIledhexdtunp.A value or setting that takes effect when the equipment is tumedon,reset,or~~.


Small switches in a printer that control various printer funcHonsandset~defaultstahrsofthep~~whenitis turnedonorinidalized.DIPstandsfor@alin-linepackage.

dot mom

Amethodofprin~inwhicheachletterorsymbolfsformed by a pattern (matrix) of individual dots.

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