double-heEght pdntmPrinting in which each character is twice as tall as normal.


Oneofhvoprintqual&savaiIableonyourprlnter.Draftuses amlnimumnumberofdotsperckacterZorNgh-speed print&. See also L&&Qllality.

EScjp 3

TheenhancedversionoftheEsc/Ppxintercommand language. Commands in this language give laser-like features, such as scalable fonts and enhanced graphics printing.


AbbreviationforEpsonStandard Code kx Printers. This qstem of commandsgiWyoUsOttwarecU&IOlofyoUr pripter from your ampter. It is standard for ail Epson printers and supported by mo6t applicatkm software for personala3mputers

A f6nt is a group of similarly desigmxl typefaces, de&gnat& by a family feed

A control code and contxol panel button that advance the papertothenexttop-of-fMnp&tion.

Glossary GL-3