ESC | Dec | Hex | Symbol | Function |
| 10 | O A | LF | Line feed. Empties the printer buffer, |
| performs a line feed at the current |
| line spacing, and resets the buffer |
| character count to 0. |
| 11 | 0B | VT | Vertical tab. Empties the printer buf- |
| fer, then advances the paper to the |
| next vertical tab stop. |
| 12 | 0C | FF | Form feed. Empties the printer buf- |
| fer, then advances the paper to the |
| next top of form. |
| 13 | OD | CR | Carriage return. Prints the contents |
| of the buffer and resets the buffer |
| character count to 0. |
| 14 | OE | SO | Shift out. Turns expanded mode ON |
| for the length of the line. Can be can- |
| celled by ASCII 20 or ESC “W0”. |
| Works with pica, elite, or compress- |
| ed mode. |
| 15 | OF | SI | Shift in. Empties buffer and turns |
| compressed (17.16 cpi) ON. Cannot |
| mix with emphasized or pica. |
| Can also use DIP switch |
| 17 | 11 | DC1 | When DIP switch |
| printer in the active state. |
| 18 | 12 | DC2 | Device control 2. Turns compressed |
| mode OFF. |
| 19 | 13 | DC3 | Device control 3. When DIP switch |
| |
| tive state until a DC1 code is re- |
| ceived. |
| 20 | 14 | DC4 | Device control 4. Turns the ex- |
| 24 |
| panded mode set by ASCII 14 OFF. |
| 18 | C A N | Cancels all text but not control codes | |
| in the print buffer. |
ESC | 2 5 | 19 | EM | Sets the optional |
| Format: |
| ESC 25 n |
| where n toggles the |
| n=0 turns it OFF and n=4 turns it |
ON. You cannot use “EM” in place of 25. Can also use DIP switch