Therefore, if you ran the following BASIC program while your
10 FOR
30 I,PRINT CHR$( 27) “E”
40 LPRINT “Sample tczxt,”
50 LJ’RINT CHR$( 27) “0”
You can consult Appendix A or the Quick Reference Card to see the meaning of the hexadecimal codes. We will explain the first line to put you on the right track for using the data dump mode.
The first code in line 0000 is hex 46, which is the same as decimal 70, which is the code for “F”; therefore “F” is printed in the first position in the guide section. Then, because there is no semicolon in line 20, MBASIC sends a carriage return and a line feed, hex codes 0D and 0A. Each of these is represented by a dot in the guide section. The program then sends the hex codes 47, 48, and 49, with each followed by a carriage return and line feed.
When the program gets to line 30, it sends ESCape “E” and a carriage return and line feed. These are hex codes 1B, 45, 0D, and 0A, which are represented in the guide section by a dot, an “E”, and two more dots. Now you can follow a data dump printout on your own.
Some computer systems change one or more codes when sending them from BASIC to the printer. The ability of the
A hex printout of a program shows you exactly what the printer is receiving, regardless of what the computer is sending. The following test program lets you check to see what codes, if any, are problems for your computer system.