ESC Dec Hex Symbol

ESC 83 53 S

ESC 84 54 T

ESC 85 55 U

ESC 87 57 W

ESC 89 59 Y

ESC 90 5A Z


Turns script mode ON. Either type of script is printed in double-strike. Format:

ESC “S”CHR$(n)

where n = 0 produces superscript, and 1 produces subscript.

Turns script mode OFF.

Turns unidirectional mode ON. Prints each line from left to right. Format:

ESC “U” n

where n toggles the mode on and off: 0 turns it OFF, 1 turns it ON. Turns expanded mode ON; stays ON until turned OFF. Cannot be turned off with ASCII 20. Format:

ESC “W” n

where n toggles the mode on and off: 0 turns it OFF, 1 turns it ON. Turns high-speed double-density graphics mode ON; gives the same density as ESC “L” but cannot print two adjacent dots in the same row. Turns quadruple-density graphics mode ON. Allows 1920 dot positions per S-inch line. Format:

ESC “Z” nl n2

followed by n data numbers, where n = total number of dot columns, nl = n MOD 256

n2 = INT (n/256).

For example, to print 1920 dots, nl = 128, n2 = 7.
