You should get the following printout when you run this program and type “E” and “emphasized” in answer to the questions.
This sample USPS ESCape E
t.o proi-fuceemphasized pr-inting.The code to turn off emphasized is ESCape “F”.
Double-strikeThe other bold mode on the LX-80 is double-strike. For this mode the printer prints each line, then moves the paper up slightly and prints the line again. Each dot is printed twice, with the second one slightly below the first as you can see in Figure 6-2.
tiiiiilFigure 6-2. Double-strike and single-strike
Unlike emphasized, double-strike combines with any draft pitch (but not with NLQ) b ecause it does not overlap dots horizontally. Since each line in this mode is printed twice, the speed of your printing is slowed. The code for double-strike is ESCape “G”. Try it in the the master program if you wish. The code to turn off double- strike is ESCape “H”.