Uploading Programs to the Camera
The EPSON Photo!2 Program Uploader utility allow s
you to upload up to five optional programs from your
PC or Macintosh to your Ph otoPC 600.
When you install your EPSON Photo!2 software, EPSON
Photo!2 Program Uploader is installed automatically.
When uploading option al programs, the numbe r
of pictures you can store in your c am e ra’s internal
memory decreases.
You can also upload opt ional programs from
CompactFlash memory cards. See page 68 for i nstructions.

Uploading programs

Follow these steps to upload optional programs to the
1. Make sure the camera is connected to the computer,
and that both the computer and camera are turned
on. Also make sure that EPSON Photo!2 is not open
and the LCD monitor is turned off.
2. If there are any photos in the camera’s internal
memory, transfer the ones you want to you computer
or to a CompactFlash Card, then erase all the photos
from the camera.
If any images are left in the camera’s memo ry
when you upload an optional pro gram, the
camera may not work properly.
3. Click or double-click the EPSON Photo!2 Program
Uploader icon in the EPSON Photo!2 program group
or folder. The EPSON Photo!2 P rogram Uploader
window appears.
If the camera is not connected to the computer, an error
dialog box appears. C heck the cable connec tions and make
sure the camera is turned on. If necessary, adjus t the
communication port and speed settings in thi s dialog box.
Poppy Rev.B/TCAT
A5 size Chapter 5
97/09/18 pass 4
Using the Uploader Utilitie s 78