5.To add text, click the button. Enter your text and use the tabs to apply formatting and special effects, then click OK. (To open the window again, double-click any block of text.)

6.To curve a single line of text, click the text in the main window and drag the red “handle” up or down. Then adjust it using the other handles that appear.

7.When you’re finished, choose Save as from the File menu to save your file.


For additional help with Epson Print CD, open the Help menu in Epson Print CD and

select Help Topics.

Printing on a CD or DVD

After you have created your design and loaded a CD or DVD, you’re ready to print.

1. Open the File menu and select Print.

Select EPSON Stylus

Photo R260 Series

Select your CD or DVD type

Click None

Printing on CDs and DVDs 31