IP99 series
Diagram 3.3(b)Device setting
Diagram 3.3(b)shows the functions of IP camera, it is for IP camera NOT for Video Server. It has some additional functions compared to other cameras, as shown in diagram 3.3 (c):
Diagram 3.3(c)Extension functions of device setting
Mirror: Enable or Disable Mirror function by selecting ON/OFF.
Shutter Speed: Control exposure time by changing shutter speed value. If lighting source is sufficient enough, the exposure time required is less. By contrast, if lighting source is insufficient, the exposure time required is more.
Set Shutter Speed to Auto if a manual iris lens is used. When a DD auto iris lens is connected, set Shutter Speed to 1/60 and can adjust IRIS Level Control remotely. BLC: Enable or Disable Back Light Compensation function by selecting ON/OFF. AGC Max: Maximum value of Auto Gain Control. Set lower AGC Max in order to prevent recording noisy video of huge data size at night.
Note: Funtions shown in Diagram 3.3(c)are only available for IP camera.
3.4 Alarm Event
Select motion detection area, click “Edit Region” then keep left clicking to drag the area to be detected on the screen. Click “End Edit” to save change. To delete the