IP Commands
Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide 199
Table 57 describes the commands used to configure IP options and the ICMP protocol.
config iproute add default <gateway>
{<metric>} Adds a default gateway to the routing table. A
default gateway must be located on a
configured IP interface. If no metric is
specified, the default metric of 1 is used. Use
the unicast-only or multicast-only options to
specify a particular traffic type. If not specified,
both unicast and multicast traffic uses the
default route.
config iproute delete <ipaddress> <mask>
<gateway> Deletes a static address from the routing table.
config iproute delete blackhole <ipaddress>
<mask> Deletes a blackhole address from the routing
config iproute delete default <gateway> Deletes a default gateway from the routing
config iproute priority [rip | bootp | icmp | static
| ospf-intra | ospf-inter | ospf-as-external |
ospf-extern1 | ospf-extern2] <priority>
Changes the priority for all routes from a
particular route origin.
disable iproute sharing Disables load sharing for multiple routes.
enable iproute sharing Enables load sharing if multiple routes to the
same destination are available. Only pa ths with
the same lowest cost are shared. The default
setting is disabled.
rtlookup [<ipaddress> | <hostname>] Performs a look-up in the route table to
determine the best route to reach an IP
Table 57: ICMP Configuration Commands
Command Description
config irdp [multicast | broadcast] Configures the destination address of the
router advertisement messages. The default
setting is multicast.
config irdp <mininterval> <maxinterval>
<lifetime> <preference> Configures the router advertisement message
timers, using seconds. Specify:
•mininterval—The minimum amount of
time between router advertisements. The
default setting is 450 seconds.
•maxinterval—The maximum time
between router advertisements. The default
setting is 600 seconds.
•lifetime—The default setting is 1,800
•preference—The preference level of the
router. An ICMP Router Discover Protocol
(IRDP) client always uses the router with
the highest preference level. Change this
setting to encourage or discourage the use
of this router. The default setting is 0.
Table 56: Route Table Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description