66 Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide
Managing the Switch

RADIUS RFC 2138 Attributes

The RADIUS RFC 2138 optional attributes supported are as follows:





config radius-accounting [primary | secondary]
server [<ipaddress> | <hostname>] {<udp_port>}
client-ip <ipaddress>
Configures the RADIUS accounting server.
Specify the following:
[primary | secondary]
Configure either the primary or
secondary RADIUS server.
[<ipadress> | <hostname>]
The IP address or hostname of the
server being configured.
<udp_port> The UDP port to use
to contact the RADIUS server. The
default UDP port setting is 1646.
client-ip <ipaddress> — The IP
address used by the switch to identify
itself when communicating with the
RADIUS server.
The accounting server and the RADIUS
authentication server can be the same.
config radius-accounting [primary | secondary]
shared-secret {encrypted} <string> Configures the authentication string used
to communicate with the RADIUS
accounting server.
disable radius Disables the RADIUS client.
disable radius-accounting Disables RADIUS accounting.
enable radius Enables the RADIUS client. When
enabled, all CLI logins are sent to the
RADIUS servers for authentication. When
used with a RADIUS server that supports
ExtremeWare CLI authorization, each CLI
command is sent to the RADIUS server for
authentication before it is executed.
enable radius-accounting Enables RADIUS accounting. The RADIUS
client must also be enabled.
show radius Displays the current RADIUS client
configuration and statistics.
show radius-accounting Displays the current RADIUS accounting
client configuration and statistics
unconfig radius {server [primary | secondary]} Unconfigures the RADIUS client
unconfig radius-accounting {server [primary |
secondary]} Unconfigures the RADIUS accounting
client configuration.

Table 19: RADIUS Commands (continued)

Command Description