54 Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide
Accessing the Switch

Checking Basic Connectivity

The switch offers the following commands for checking basic connectivity:


The ping command enables you to send Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo messages to a
remot e IP d evice. T he ping command is available for both the user and administrator privilege level.
The ping command syntax is:
ping {continuous} {size <start_size> {- <end_size>}} [<i p_address> | <host name>] {from
<src_address> | with record-route | from <src_ipaddress> with record-route}
Options for the ping command are described in Table 17.
If a ping request fails, the switch continues to send ping messages until interrupted. Press any key to
interrupt a ping request.


The traceroute command enables you to trace the routed path between the switch and a destination
endstation. The traceroute command syntax is:
traceroute [<ip_address> | <hostname>] {from <src_ipaddress>} {ttl <TTL>}
{port <port>}
Table 17: Ping Command Parameters
Parameter Description
continuous Specifies ICMP echo messages to be sent continuously. This
option can be interrupted by pressing any key.
size Specifies the size of the ICMP request. If both the start_size
and end_size are specified, transmits ICMP requests using 1 byte
increments, per packet. If no end_size is specified, packets of
start_size are sent.
<ipaddress> Specifies the IP address of the host.
<hostname> Specifies the name of the host. To use the hostname, you must
first configure DNS.
from Uses the specified source address in the ICMP packet. If not
specified, the address of the transmitting interface is used.
with record-route Decodes the list of recorded routes and displays them when the
ICMP echo reply is received.
ip_address Specifies the IP address of the destination endstation.
hostname Specifies the hostname of the destination endstation. To use the hostname,
you must first configure DNS.