Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide 45
4Accessing the Switch
This chapter describes the following topics:
•Understanding the Command Syntax on page 45
•Line-Editing Keys on page 47
•Command History on page 48
•Common Commands on page 48
•Configuring Management Access on page 50
•Domain Name Service Client Services on page 53
•Checking Basic Connectivity on page 54
Understanding the Command Syntax
This section describes the steps to take when entering a command. Refer to the sections that follow for
detailed information on using the command-line interface.
When entering a command at the prompt, ensure that you have the appropriate privilege level. Most
configuration commands require you to have the administrator privilege level. To use the command-line
interface (CLI), follow these steps:
1Enter the command name.
If the command does not include a parameter or values, skip to step 3. If the command requires
more information, continue to step 2.
2If the command includes a parameter, enter the parameter name and values.
3The value part of the command specifies how you want the parameter to be set. Values include
numerics, strings, or addresses, depending on the parameter.
4After entering the complete command, press [Return].
If an asterisk (*) appears in front of the command-line prompt, it indicates that you have outstanding
configuration changes that have not been saved. For more information on saving configuration changes,
see Appendix D, “Software Upgrade and Boot Options”.