244 Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide
Configuring Stacked Switches
Stack Configuration Commands
Table 72 summarizes the commands used to configure a stack.
Table 72: Stack Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure slot <n> module <Summit200-24 |
Summit200-48> Preconfigures a slot in the stack. This
command allows users to copy switch
configurations, similar to function on Alpine and
Black Diamond.
configure stacking add port <portlist> Configures additional ports as stacking ports.
The ports in the portlist must be Gigabit
Ethernet ports.
configure stacking delete port <portlist> Removes ports as stacking ports. The ports in
the portlist must be Gigabit Ethernet ports.
configure stacking slave slot <n> mac_address
<mac> Maps a MAC address to a specific slot in the
configure stacking slave timeout [none | <n>] Sets the amount of time a stack member waits
for the master to connect before rebooting
using the stored con figuration. Valid entries are
from 30 seconds to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
The default is none, which indicates that the
member waits indefinitely.
configure stkmgmt ipaddress <ipaddress>/
<netmask> Allows access to the switches in a stack.
Ipaddress is the IP address of slot 1, where
<ipaddress>+1 is the address of slot 2
continuing to <ipaddress>+7, which is slot 8.
Netmask must be less than or equal to 29.
disable stacking Disables stacking on all switches in the stack.
download [image | config] <host name/ip>
<filename> [primary | secondary] [slot <n> | all] Downloads an image to a specific slot or to all
switches in the stack.
•Host name/ip indicates the switch name
and IP address.
•Filename indicates the name of the image.
•Primary | secondary indicate a choice
between a primary and secondary image.
•slot n indicates the position in the stack.
Slot 1 for the master, slots 2 to a maximum
of 8 for the stack members.
•all downloads to all switches in the stack.
If slot or all are not specified, an image is
only loaded to the stack master.
enable stacking [master | slave] Recovers a disabled stack. This command
uses the previously entered portlist as the
stacking ports.
enable stacking master ports <portlist> Initializes the stack. All ports in the portlist
must be local ports.
enable stacking slave ports <portlist> Enables an individual stacking member. All
ports in the portlist must be Gigabit
Ethernet ports (49 and 50 on the S200-48 and
25 and 26 on the S20-24).
reboot Reboots all switches in a stack.