94 Summit 200 Series Switch Installation and User Guide
Configuring Ports on a Switch
enable sharing 9 grouping 9-12
In this example, logical port 9 represents physical ports 9 through 12.
When using load sharing, you should always reference the master logical port of the load-sharing group
(port 9 in the previous example) when configuring or viewing VLANs. VLANs configured to use other
ports in the load-sharing group will have those ports deleted from the VLAN when load sharing
becomes enabled.
Do not disable a port that is part of a load-sharing group. Disabling the port prevents it from forwarding
traffic, but still allows the link to initialize. As a result, a part ner switch does not receive a valid indication
that the port is not in a forwarding state, and the partner switch will continue to forward packets.
Verifying the Load-Sharing Configuration
The screen output resulting from the show ports configuration command lists the ports that are
involved in load sharing and the master logical port identity.
Switch Port-Mirroring
Port-mirroring configures the switch to copy all traffic associated with one or more ports. The monitor
port can be connected to a network analyzer or RMON probe for packet analysis. The system uses a
traffic filter that copies a group of traffic to the monitor port.
The traffic filter is defined by the physical port, meaning that all data that traverses the port, regardless
of VLAN configuration, is copied to the monitor port.
Up to eight mirroring filters and one monitor port can be configured. Once a port is specified as a
monitor port, it cannot be used for any other function.
Frames that contain errors are not mirrored.
The mirrored port always transmits tagged frames. The default port tag will be added to any untagged
packets as they are mirrored. This allows you to mirror multiple ports or VLANs to a mirror port, while
preserving the ability of a single protocol analyzer to track and differentiate traffic within a broadcast
domain (VLAN) and across broadcast domains (for example, across VLANs when routing).
For optimum performance, mirror three or fewer ports at any given time.
On the Summit 200-48 switch, all por ts specified by mirror filters as well as the mirror output port must
belong to the same por t group. Port group 1 consists of ports 1 through 24 and port 49; por t group 2
consists of ports 25 through 48 and port 50.