Reviewing the Back Print Area
If you are using Split Ribbon Print, this option must be set to one of the “Print Only” values
See the examples on the next page.
Command Line Usage | CUPS Options | Description |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Print Area = | The full card will be printed |
FullCardPrintAndOverlay | Full Card Print | and overlay will be applied |
| and Overlay |
PrintAreaBack=FullCardPrintOnly | Back Print Area = | The full card will be printed |
| Full Card Print | and overlay will not be |
| Only | applied |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Print Area = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitSmartChipPrintAndOverlay | Omit Smart Chip | the ISO location for a |
| Print and Overlay | smart chip) will be omitted |
| from print and overlay. |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Print Area = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitSmartChipPrintOnly | Omit Smart Chip | the ISO location for a |
| Print Only | smart chip) will be omitted |
| from print. |
PrintAreaBack= | Back Print Area = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitMagStripePrintAndOverlay | Omit Mag Stripe | the ISO location for a |
| Print and Overlay | Magnetic stripe) will be |
| omitted from print and |
| overlay. |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Print Area = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitMagStripePrintOnly | Omit Mag Stripe | the ISO location for a |
| Print Only | Magnetic stripe) will be |
| omitted from print. |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Area Print = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitSignatureAreaPrintAndOverlay | Omit Signature | the ISO location for a |
| Area Print and | Signature Stripe) will be |
| Overlay | omitted from print and |
| overlay. |
PrintAreaBack = | Back Area Print = | An area (corresponding to |
OmitSignatureAreaPrintOnly | Omit Signature | the ISO location for a |
| Area Print Only | Signature Stripe) will be |
| omitted from print. |
Fargo M30e CUPS Driver User Guide (Rev. 1.0.3) | 22 |