Display-Thedisplay shows the current temperature (or resistance) measure-
ment on the largenumeric upper portion of the display. It can also show a vari-
ety of informationon the smaller alphanumeric lower portion such as
minimum, maximum, hold temperatures, delta(x), and other instrument
Powerand Backlight button-This button turns the instrument on or off. If the
poweris on, pressing the button for three seconds toggles the backlight on or
off(see Section 6.3). Note: using the backlight drains the battery more
ENT (enter) button-Thisbutton is pressed to accept changes to a setting and,
in some modes, to store the most recent measurement.
CLR (clear) button-Thisbutton cancels ch anges to a setting and in the
MIN/MAX mode resets the minimum and maximum to the last measurement.
UpandDownbuttons-Thesebuttons are used to change values and settings.
MODE button-Thisbutton advances through operating modes and program-
ming functions(see Section 7).
1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide