The 1521's accessories and their features are described here.
AC Adapt er-The ACadapter recharges the internal battery pack and can also
be used tosupply power to operate the 1521 while the battery is being charged
(see Section 6.2).
Serial Cable-The serialcable can be used to connect a computer or a printer to
the 1521 through its serialport ( see Section 8).
INFO-CON Connector-Hart’sunique INFO-CON connector allows the probe
to be easilyattached and detached from the 1521. It also contains a memory de-
vice that storesinformation about the probe and automatically transfers
this data to the 1521 when the probeis attached. This ensures that the set-
tings used to measure and calculatetemp eraturealways match the probe being
used (see Section 6.6).
Probe-Theprobe acts as the temperature sensor. Its resistance depends on its
temperature.The 1521 precisely measures the resistanceof the probe and uses
the coefficientsstored in the IN FO-CON connector to calculate its temperature
(see Section 6.5). The followingprobe options are available.
5 Parts and Controls
Figure3 INFO-CON Connector