Freecom MediaPlayer
Maximum size of a parti tion
File system
Operating system FAT FAT32 NTFS
Windows 98SE 2 GB 60 GB *1, 2 n.a.
Windows ME 2 GB 2 TB *2 n.a.
Windows 2000 4 GB *3 32 GB 16 TB
Windows XP / Vista 4 GB *3 32 GB 16 TB
Example f or dif ferent partitions with differe nt fil e syste ms on one Freecom
File system
Operating system NTFS FAT32
120 GB 90 GB 30 GB
The example above is a good solution for Windows 2000/XP/Vista users who sometimes
exchange data with Windows 98SE/ME PCs.
For storing the data under Windows 2000/ XP/Vista both partitions can be use d. As the
NTFS file system is not recognized by Windows 98SE/ME data to be used on these oper-
ating systems must be stored on the FAT32 partition.
Please follow the steps below to adapt the Freecom MediaPlayer for your needs .
If the built-in HDD is not formatted, the PC can not detect the hard disk drive. I f so, for-
mat the hard disk first refer ring to the following guide. If the hard disk drive is already
formatted, see "Copy Data via USB".
*1: A patch fo r Windows 98SE is require d for hard disk larger than 6 0 GB. Further informat ion and an update to
fix this problem can be found in art icle 263044 of the "Microsof t Knowledge Base"on th e Microsoft Website
under http://support.mic rosoft.com.
*2: Hard d isk capacity will n ot be displayed correc tly by fdisk!
*3: FAT partitio ns larger than 2 GB can onl y be administrated by W indows 2000/XP/V ista.