
Wireless Transfer

Access wireless networks and connect to computers, smartphones, or tablets. For downloads and other information, visit

Wireless Connections: Smartphones

Install the “FUJIFILM Camera Application” app on your smartphone to browse the images on the camera, download selected images, or copy location data to the camera. You can also upload pictures from the camera using the rWIRELESS COMMUNICATION options in the camera shooting and playback menus or by pressing the Wi-Fibutton in playback mode.

Wireless Connections: Computers

Onceyouhaveinstalledthe“FUJIFILMPCAutoSave” application and configured your computer as a destination for the images copied from the cam- era, you can upload pictures from the camera using the sPC AUTO SAVE option in the camera playback menu or by pressing and holding the Wi-Fibutton in playback mode.
