Function Buttons

The roles played by the Fn, Fn2, AE, and AF buttons can be selected using the FFUNCTION (Fn) SETTING option in the shooting menu (P90).

Fn button

Fn2 button

AE button

AF button

The options available include advanced filters (P63), multiple exposure (P62), depth-of-field pre- view(P39),sensitivity(P45),theself-timer(P55),imagesize(P74),imagequality(P74),dynamic range(P75),filmsimulation(P64),whitebalance(P43),metering(P54),AFmode(P77),focus- areaselection(P50),customsettings(P68),movierecording(P33),RAW/JPEGtoggle(P65),and aperture setting (P79) and wireless (P95) options.

RYou can also display options for any of the Fn, Fn2, AE, and AF buttons by pressing and holding the button.

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