CHAPTER 2 Installation Sites
2.1.2 Utility services
When selecting sites that afford good access to utility services, take the following
factors into consideration:
zSatisfactory availability of electric power
zNo suspension or failure of water supplies, or the availability of alternate measures
for water supply
zAccess to telecommunication lines
2.1.3 Secure sites
When selecting sites that offer a high degree of security, take the following into
consideration. (Among these factors, those that threaten security will be described
later.) The adverse effects of these factors can be minimized if the structural
requirements for buildings or computer rooms are met.
zLittle occurrence of earthquakes, with the effects therefrom minimal
zNo danger of damage from flooding and snow
zLittle occurrence of lightning
zEasy implementation of fire preventive measures
zNo high-level electromagnetic radiation influence
zLittle presence of dust and corrosive gases
zProcedures in place for dealing with riots and trespassing, break-ins, etc.
2.2 BuildingsThe buildings in which server systems can be installed are broadly classified into the
following forms:
zDedicated server system centers
zOffice rooms converted to dedicated computer rooms
zGeneral office rooms in which server systems are installed for convenience's sake
Except for the last form of installation mentioned above, server system centers and
dedicated computer rooms would best benefit from structural safety considerations,
because they are intended to house server systems handling large amounts of data.
Particularly, the more important a server system center is, the more strict safety
considerations are required.