68 C120-H007-05EN
CHAPTER 6 Power Supply Facilities
(1) Reduction in leakage currentComputers are equipped with a line filter in their power input terminals to absorb both
external and internal electric noise. If a common commercial power source is
connected to a computer, leakage current will flow to the grounding cable of the
In a system built by connecting multiple computers with one another, the total leakage
current flowing to ground across the system must be compliant with IEC60435 and
Leakage current can be classified as follows:
zEquipment leakage current:
This equipment-inherent current is observed at equipment grounding terminals
when power with the frequency/voltage characteristics of a commercial power
supply is applied. The values of the current must be in accordance with the
operating manuals for the respective equipment.
zGround leakage current:
This current flows to ground in actual system operation, and it differs from the
total equipment leakage current depending on the method of distribution line
grounding. The floating current of the system has an effect on this current.
The rules of ground leakage current in the system must meet the rules of each country
and be compliant with IEC60435 and IEC60364.
(2) Freedom from power failuresUse of a UPS is recommended to keep the server system safe from power failures,
instantaneous voltage drops, or instantaneous interruptions in the commercial power