Revision History


Edition Date Revised section
(Added/Deleted/Altered) Details
01 2002-10-31 ⎯⎯
02 2005-09-15 Entire manual (Altered)
Section 3.3.2
Section 5.2.2 (Added)
Technical brush-up
Modification of the manual title
Addition of PRIMEQUEST
Modification of the concept of units
operational grouping
Addition of description for concentration
of small equipment
Addition of conditions for using mobile
03 2008-04-16 Entire manual (Altered) Modification of manual title
Addition of description for SPARC
��� Deletion of description for
04 2009-12-15 Section 4.3.5 (Altered) Modification of tolerable limit of
Hydrogen sulfide gas
05 2011-11-25 Entire manual (Altered)
Section 2.2.1 (Altered)
Section 4.3.5 (Altered)
Section 4.3.6 (Added)
Section 8.2.2 (Added)
Reader's Comment Form
Technical brush-up
Modification of the value for vibrations
during earthquakes
Modification of Table4.4
Addition of the seawater (salt damage)
Modification of the value for withstanding
a horizontal seismic intensity
Addition of consulting department of an
earthquake preparedness
Modification of the address for sending
back of the form

Note: In this table, devised section is indicated by its section number in the

current edition.

An asterisk (*) indicates a section in the old edition.