C120-H007-05EN 3
1.2 Computer Room Installation Planning
1.2 Computer Room Installation Planning
Computer room installation requires prior device support planning and support staff
1.2.1 Device support planning
Regarding the method of supporting device, the following items must be planned:
(1) Configuration of the server system and equipment to be added
zEnvironmental specifications for each room (such as dimensions, mass, voltages,
power requirements, heat dissipation, and temperature and humidity conditions)
zScale templates for planning device layouts
zKinds, numbers, and length limitations of signal cables used to connect devices
installed between rooms
(2) Quantities of storage media to be stored
CD, DVD, MO, magnetic tapes, floppy disks, printed forms, etc.
(3) Quantities of supplies and consumables to be stored
Print forms, ink ribbons, toner, photo-conductive drums, etc.
(4) Quantities of spare parts and maintenance tools to be stored
(5) Storage space for user's manuals
(6) Staff and visitor access management scheme
(7) Policy on carrying media and supplies in and out of the computer
1.2.2 Support staff assignment
To proceed the installation planning smoothly, an installation planning group
comprises the appointed staff of the user organization and Fujitsu is needed to be