G e t t i n g t o K n o w Y o u r L i f e B o o k
Flexible Bay Release Button
Lithium Battery Bay | Flexible Bay |
Figure 2-5 LifeBook right-side panel
Following is a brief description of your LifeBook’s
Lithium ion Battery Bay
The battery bay contains the internal Lithium ion battery. It can be opened for the removal of the battery when stored over a long period of time or for swapping a discharged battery with a charged Lithium ion battery. (See Lithium ion Battery on page 47 for more informa- tion)
Flexible Bay Release Button
The Flexible Bay release button releases the Flexible Bay device.
Flexible Bay
The Flexible Bay can accommodate one of the following devices. (See Flexible Bay Devices on page 25 for more information)
■Modular 8x DVD drive
■Modular 4x/4x/20x max
■Modular 24x max
■Modular 3.5" floppy disk drive
■Modular SuperDisk 120
■Modular Lithium ion battery
■Modular 2nd 10GB hard disk drive