7.1 Maintenance

(1) Revision number marking at delivery

The machine revision number is indicated by crossing out up to the relevant number in the relevant alphabetic character row using = marks (see Figure 7.2).

(2) Revision number change in the field

When a part is replaced in the field or other modifications are made, the machine revision number may need to be changed. The level is indicated by crossing out the relevant number in the relevant alphabetic character row using { marks (see Figure 7.2).

(3) Firmware code and revision

First 4-digit indicates a firmware code and rest 4-digit indicates its revision.


For a change of revision number after delivery, Fujitsu issues a "Change Request/Notice" and the disk drive revision number after the change. When a change is made at the user site, the revision number level should be changed as described above.

Revision number mark when delivered

A2 Revision

Revision number change in the field

A3 Revision

Figure 7.2 Display of disk drive revision number

