You can save either the whole screen or the echo inside the esti- mate mark to the internal memory or a memory card.
Data to Save | Saving Method | Saving to |
Whole picture, marks, | MEMO key and | Memory card |
alphanumeric data | menu setting |
Echo inside estimate | MEMO key and | Internal memory |
mark | menu setting |
Net shooting data | SHOOT key | Internal memory |
Initializing Memory Cards
Before you save information to a memory card it must be ini- tialized (formatted).
1.Press the MENU key to display the user menu.
2.Select the CARD UTILITY menu.
3.Select Initialize. It takes more than two minutes to initialize a memory card.
4.Press the END key a few times to display the user menu.
The memory card stores 256k byte of data. This is equivalent to about two picture screens or about 20 pictures of echo inside the estimate mark. The following data are automatically saved as system data when the memory card is initialized: panel setting, function key settings, and menu settings.