N a v i g a t e s a f e l y a n d e f f i c i e n t l y w i t h
t h e E C D I S r o u t e p l a n n i n g a n d m o n i t o r i n g
P R E S E N T A T I O N S | o f | E C D I S |
Radar overlay
Radar echo image overlay is optionally available in
Status bar
•Presentation mode
•Vector mode and vector time
•Planned route, chart name
•Name of pilot data
•Source of target data
•Predictor time
Own ship’s marker
AIS symbol
Planned route
Own ship’s information
•Ship’s position
•Course over ground (COG)
•Speed over ground (SOG)
AIS information
• Name | • Course |
• IMO MMSI number | • CPA |
• Position | • TCPA |
• Speed | • Range |
(coordinated universal time)
Cursor information, Distance and bearing between own ship and cursor
Radar overlay dialog box
Operators can have controls for adjustment of the radar image - gain, sea clutter, rain clutter, echo trail, interference rejector, echo stretch and noise rejector.
Conning display
A variety of navigation information, which is input from up to sixteen onboard sensors, can be graphically displayed on thee screen. Up to eight sensors provide the analog data, and the other eight provide the serial data.
The information is displayed in six predefined place where the operators can arrange the layout.
Typically, information on the conning display is received from the following sensors:
sPosition sensors | sRate of turn gyro | sRudder |
sWind sensor | sPropellers | |
sGyro | sEcho sounder | sThrusters |
Day/night presentation
Route planning
The operators can plan and determine the precise route with ease, while studying the chart data on the screen. A route can be altered in minute detail, and the changed route can be saved for later use.
Data display
When the cursor is placed upon any mark on the electronic chart, related information about the object such as a buoy, lighthouse, sunken vessel, etc., will be shown in the data cell. Additionally, other navigational information including both own ship’s navigational as well as other ship’s information from ARPA can also be presented.
This function informs the operator beforehand of shallow coastal water and other sea conditions that could contribute to the ship going aground.
The information about the sea areas is acquired from the electronic chart and ship’s draft data is preset in own ship’s information so that possible strand can be avoided.