
3.2 Time Difference (using local time)
GPS uses UTC time. If a GPS receiver feeds nav data to the NX-300 and you would rather use
local time, enter the time difference (range: -13:30 to +13:30) between local time and UTC time.
1. Press the [MENU] key to open the main menu.
2. Press ! or " to select SYSTEM MENU.
3. Press the [ENT] key to open the SYSTEM MENU.
Figure 3-3 SYSTEM MENU
4. Press " to select TIME DIFF.
5. Press the [ENT] key. A cursor circumscribes + or -. This cursor appears whenever selected
data can be changed with Omnipad.
6 Press ! or " to display + or -.
7. Press $ to move the cursor to the next column.
8. Press ! or " to select number desired.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to complete.
10. Press the [ENT] key.
11. Press the [MENU] key or [DISP] key to close the SYSTEM MENU.