7. Practical tips
7.1 The wok and accessories
(not included in the scope of delivery)
–The “original wok" is the ideal wok for your gas cooker.
–The wok looks like a hollow semisphere with a long handle or wooden handle. It has a rounded base and slanted sides. The thin steel passes the heat swiftly to the inside, but soon cools down again as soon as the flame is set to a lower setting. Therefore, ingredients cannot overcook.
–The diameter is between 35 - 40 cm / 14 - 15 3/4” for 4 persons.
–Woks may consist of various materials.
–They have a round, high cover. Therefore, they are also capable of steaming and stewing.
–The semicircular grid is hooked in on the edge of the wok. On it, you can steam ingredients, you can allow deep fried foods to drip or you can keep browned foods warm.
–Use the chan (rounded spatula) or the wooden pan reversing implement.
–Use a ladle to remove foods.
–Use the strainer to lift deep fried foods from the fat or large pieces out of a sauce.
–You can use bamboo baskets for steaming.
7.2 Cooking in the wok
You can fry, steam, deep fry, stew and cook normally.
Stir frying is the special cooking method for the wok. Ingredients cut into small pieces are cooked as briefly as possible under strong heat and constant stirring. In the large, round pan everything can be stirred and turned faster and with greater ease than in a conventional frying pan. Thanks to stirring, ingredients do not burn onto the pan. Surplus oil drains off towards the middle. In next to no time, you obtain delicious roasted foods, the pores in meat close and fish becomes nices and juicy. Vegetables stay crispy, and aromas and healthy vitamins are retained.
Important: the cooking time is so short that all ingredients should be ready for cooking before you begin. The correct sequence is also important. First place the ingredients with the longest cooking time in the wok. For example, these are
Proceed as follows:
–Pour sufficient oil into the wok to coat the surface. We advise you to use peanut or or soya oil.
–Heat up the oil to just before the smoking point; only then begin with stir frying.
–Cut the food into pieces of equal size, but not too small, thus making sure they will not burn.
–If you are cooking larger quantities, work with portions as otherwise not all of the food will reach the hot base of the wok.
–Meals that are ready ca be kept warm on a minimal flame. Clean the wok after every use and rub its inside with oil. This will prevent rusting.