Error codes
Error codesOverview of Error Codes
Robotic control errors
Error code hex notation Error belonging to
80 - 8F Robotic control errors
90 - 96 Function errors
A0 - A5 Low level axis errors
B0 - B7 Electronic hardware errors
BA - BF Drive errors
Error code hex
notation Description
80 No error.
81 Invalid command error. This error indicates that
the Loader received an undefined command or
an invalid parameter to a command.
82 Device status not suitable to execute this
command. If the robotics are busy, some
commands cannot be executed at the same
time. This error will indicate a probable violation.
This is not an error condition, but does result in
busy being reported to the host for the
requested SCSI command.
83 Inventory not valid. The cartridge inventory is
not valid because of manual changes or
previous fatal errors. In this case, the inventory
must be updated by appropriate ‘Set Slot
Status’ commands.
84 Source element not ready. The transport source
element is empty.
85 Destination element not ready. The destination
element is already full.