Error codes
Log entry A negative number in the top line shows the current position in the error log.
Every log entry consists of a type identifier and two data bytes. This information
is shown on the bottom line of the screen.
Entry: AA BB CC
■AA type identifier
■BB data type 1
■CC data byte 2
Example of error/event log display
■Sequence number -6 indicates the position in the sequence list. Zero (0)
is the most recent.
■The log shows a belt axis error (type identifier: 03 = error,
data byte 1: A0 = belt axis error, data byte 2: 00 is not used).
The following entry modes can be assigned by the type identifier:
Entry modes
4 Errors, commands, scripts, and stop on trigger are logged.
The first error which occurs stops the logging by switching
to log level 0. This gives the possibility to fix the root cause
of an error even if the error recovery is successful and the
autoloader runs on.
03 A0 00
Type Description
01 Internal robotic command message which is received by RobCtrl Module. D ata
byte 1 shows the command, data byte 2 means its first parameter (usually
cartridge number).
Code Description