Inventory status characters
Inventory status characters The inventory status characters represent the status of each slot within the tape
drive. They appear in the second line of text on the LCD as an eight-character
string, with four blank spaces on each side.
If a drive does not contain any cartridges, the following a ppears on the L CD.
In this example, there is no cartridge in slot 6.
If the autoloader detects that a cartridge is loaded when you turn it on, the
following appears on the LCD. In this example, there is no cartridge in slot 6.
If the cartridge in the drive came from slot 8, the 8 would be alternating with
the block character.
Inventory Status Characters
Character Meaning
1 — 8 Slot Full: Indicates that slot contains a cartridge.
– Slot Empty: Indicates the slot does not contain a cartridge.
1/JThe slot number alternating with the block (J) character
indicates that the cartridge is loaded in the drive or the cartridge
is being loaded, unloaded, imported, or exported.
! (Exclamation point and the Media Attention LED is on) The
cartridge in that slot is faulty. An invalid cartridge is identified
the same way.