Click Printer Info to display information about the Elite 12ppm. Click the Update
button to view the information about the Elite 12ppm currently selected.
Click Configure to manually reconfigure the printer driver after you have upgraded
your printer with new options. The available options for the Elite 12ppm are:
-Memory Configuration – After installing additional memory, select the memory
size range.
-Additional Tray – After installing additional paper trays, select the option that
corresponds to the new tray.
-Paper Sizes This pop-up menu enables you to select the page sizes that will be
displayed in the Paper menu of the Page Setup dialog box.
Printing documents using the LaserWriter 8 printer driver
To print a document:
1. Open the document that you want to print.
2. Choose Page Setup from the File menu.
3. Make any selections in the Page Setup dialog box and click OK.
4. Choose Print from the File menu.
5. Make any selections in the Print dialog box and click OK.
Note: You may get error messages about insufficient disk space during printing. This is
because your Startup disk does not contain enough free space. If the amount of free space
on your Startup disk is insufficient, you will probably get other errors not specifically
related to printing. The amount of free space you need is determined by the size and
complexity of jobs that you print. If you do not get insufficient disk space messages, then
you have enough free space.
When you print, the LaserWriter 8 driver makes a copy of the document before sending it
to the Elite 12ppm. This copy is temporarily saved onto the Startup disk. If the Startup disk
does not contain free space equal to the size of the document, you will get an error.
Selecting Page Setup options
Most applications have a Page Setup menu command. This allows you to control how a
page will look. There is a pop-up menu at the top left of the dialog box which lets you
change various items to do with page setup.