Usingthe timed features for convectioncooking.

On double oven models, you can use timed baking or roasting in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use timed baking or roasting in both ovens at the same time.

Youwill hear a fan while cooking with these features. The fan will stop when the door is opened, but the heat will not turn off.

NOTE"Foods that spot easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to st for more than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.



How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop


Theovenwill turnon immediatelyandcookfora


Press the STARTpad.




selectedlengthof time.At theendof thecookingtime,












the ovenwill turnoff automatically


(fispla} will sho_




Make sure tile clock shows tile correct dine



at IO0°F)

and die


of day.



The displa}



177 Press tile CONVECTIONBAKEor




reaches IO0°E














the nurrfl_er pads to set tile desired






tile COOKTIME pad.

NOTE:ff yourreciperequirespreheating,youmay needto addadditionaltimeto the lengthof the cookingtime.

[] Press the nttrrlber pads to set the desired length of cooking time. Tile minimum

cooking time you can set is 1 minute. Tile ()\ell temt)emture that you set and the cooking time that you ellmred will be ill tile displa?.

NOTE:Ondoubleovenmodels,whenusingbothovens at thesametime,the timesshowingin thedisplaywill be forthe lastovenset. Todisplaythe timeset forthe first ovenset,presstheCOOKTIMEpadfor thatoven.

The ()\'el/will continue to cook for file

programmed amount of time, fllen slmt off automaticall}, unless the Cook and Hold

teatul_ _s set. See the Specia/featuresofgour




the CLEAR/OFFpad to




display if necessary. Remo_e tile toed



tile oven. Remembeg



tile o_en shut,s off automadcall}, filed left

ill tile o_en will contilme cooking atier tile ()',el/ turns oiti


How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop




(D (D (X)(El (D (D (D (3) (E133)

(D (D (El(D (D

(3) (D (1)



Youcanset theovencontroltodelapstart theoven, cookfora specificlengthof time andthenturnoff automatically

Make sure tile clock sho_:_ tile correct time of daL


[] Press tile number pads to set tile desired

o_eI/ tel//perattlre.

[] Press tile COOKTIME pad.

NOTE:ff yourreciperequirespreheating,youmay needto addadditionaltimeto the lengthof the cookingtime.

[] Press tile nm-nber pads to set tile desired cooking time.

[] Press tile DELAYSTARTpad.



tile number


to set

tile time of


day _Otl Wall[ tile


to ttlrI/








If youwouldlike to checkthe timesyouhaveset,press theBELAYSTARTpadtocheckthestarttimeyouhave

set,or pressthe COOKTIMEpad tocheckthe length of cookingtimeyouhaveset.

[] Press the STARTpad.

NOTE:Anattentiontonewill soundif youareusing tirnedbakingor roastingand@ notpressthe START padafter enteringthe bakingor roastingtemperature.

"_\]len the o_en turns on at tile time of(Ira

_)u hme set, tile displa?, will sho_ tile changing tempen_ture (starting at 100°F) and the cooking time. Tile display starts changing once the mmperaulre reaches 100°E

NOTE:Ondoubleovenmodels,whenusingbothovens at the sametime,thetimesshowingin thedisplaywill be forthe lastovenset. Todisplaythe timeset forthe first ovenset,presstheDELAYSTARTor COOK TIMEpadforthatoven.

The oven will contintle to cook tbr the

programmed amount of time, then slmt off automaficall}; unless tile Cook and Hokl

teatul_ was set, See file Specialfeaturesof your ovencontrolsection.

[] Press tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear tile display if necessary. Remo_e tile ibod

fl'om tile oven. Remember, even though tile o_en shut,_ off automadcall}, toed left

ill tile o_en will contim/e cooking after tile ()',el/ turns oitl

Page 18
Image 18
GE J7912-30 manual @@@@, Usingthe timed features for convectioncooking, How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop

J7912-30 specifications

The GE J7912-30 is a sophisticated gas turbine model developed by General Electric, renowned for its innovative design and operational efficiency. This turbine is part of GE's advanced fleet, engineered to provide exceptional performance while meeting stringent environmental standards.

One of the main features of the GE J7912-30 is its advanced combustion technology, which allows for efficient fuel utilization and significantly reduced emissions. The turbine employs a dry low NOx combustion system that minimizes nitrogen oxide emissions, making it suitable for regions with strict environmental regulations. This innovative approach not only contributes to cleaner air but also enhances the overall sustainability of power generation.

In terms of operational flexibility, the J7912-30 is designed for a wide range of applications, from base-load power generation to peaking support. Its rapid start-up capabilities enable operators to respond to fluctuating energy demands rapidly, which is particularly beneficial in today's dynamic energy landscape. This flexibility makes the J7912-30 an ideal choice for utilities looking to integrate renewable energy sources alongside traditional fossil fuels.

The turbine's robust design ensures reliability and longevity, featuring high-quality materials and construction that withstand the rigors of continuous operation. The GE J7912-30 utilizes advanced aerodynamics and cooling technologies, providing improved efficiency and performance under various operating conditions. With a high power output and excellent part-load efficiency, this turbine delivers exceptional performance across different load scenarios.

Additionally, the GE J7912-30 incorporates cutting-edge digital technologies, allowing for enhanced monitoring and predictive maintenance. Through the application of advanced analytics and real-time data insights, operators can optimize performance and address potential issues before they become significant problems. This capability not only reduces downtime but also lowers operational costs, ultimately improving profitability.

The GE J7912-30 represents a significant advancement in gas turbine technology, balancing performance, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Its innovative features and flexible applications make it a valuable asset for modern power generation, supporting a sustainable energy future while meeting the demands of increasingly complex energy markets. This turbine exemplifies GE's commitment to delivering solutions that promote both economic growth and environmental stewardship.